Best. Show. Ever.
I just watched the season premiere of Veronica Mars. Don't worry, there aren't any spoilers below, just a few thoughts.
I'm utterly blown away. Shows are rarely this good, maybe never this good. I wish everyone I know were watching this show so we could all celebrate its awesomeness together in one great tribal dance of joy and admiration. To come clean, I am kind of an obsessed fan of the show. But anyone who watches this show has to come to terms with its artistry, intelligence and heart.
This show is a challenge to watch. It makes you think, and it makes you feel. When last season ended, the primary mysteries were resolved but the audience was still left with a few questions. When this season opened, you thought you were given the answers. They made sense. You liked them. But you were wrong. Boy, were you wrong. It's rare when a show can jerk you around like this, play with your assumptions and your emotions, and make you like it.
In the last 20 minutes of the show, everything I thought I knew went out the door. Unfortunately, based on a tiny only vaguely spoilery comment in EW, I was a little prepared for the very last scene with the setup of the big mystery for the season, but I was still astonished. They've built an amazing foundation for the second season. I just hope this setup pays off as well as season one's did.
And even if it doesn't, they had one perfect season. That's more than a lot of shows give us.
(Now Abbey, starting October 11, let's get to watching those DVD's! I neeeeeeed someone to talk to about this show. Desperate and obsessed here!)
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