Ode to my random mind
I don't have ADD. But I do find my attention is grabbed by all sorts of articles and things I run across in my daily internet travels.
For instance:
- David Cross wrote an article about how to properly approach a celebrity. It's funny 'cause it's true.
- Blogger manages to swap a paper clip for a house via a series of ever-increasing trades. Pretty cool. I'm admiring his moxie. I guess all you need is one good idea? One that no one else has had? Seems like it sometimes.
- Time magazine has an article about the voice of this generation. Do you really have a generation if there isn't an event that defines you or separates you from other generations? I'm not sure I feel a part of any generation. Turns out that several of the names they suggest as "The Voice" are more my parents' generation. I've read Wallace and Foer, and Chabon and Franzen are a couple of my favorite writers, but it's odd to think of them as representing "my people."
- PaperbackSwap could be cool. I have A TON of books lying around (which I do, in my defense, re-read from time to time), and they could probably do some good out in the world. It reminds me of Book Crossing, which I used to be quite into when I lived in Berkeley.
- Mom/Sar/Phil can go vote in the Best of Atlanta awards. I wish I lived there (or visited more often) so I could vote too!
- My children are going to wear muumuus. They can pick the color, but...big, body-concealing muumuus. YES.
Oh, and I promise to do a post all about my impromptu Las Vegas trip soon, just as soon as my partners-in-bachelorette-partying float me some pictures (my camera batteries crapped out shortly into my visit). Tide yourselves over with this for now:

From left we have: Carmen's friends Marnie, Jocelyn, and Caroline; the bride-to-be herself, Carmen; shiny big-armed me; Empress Decolletage Sara.
I love my constipation face! **hugs**
Yes, your constipation face is a winner! But I'm still impressed by your intestinal fortitude and NOT throwing up that whole night. That whole constipation face is just an act! Your internal systems function fine!
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