Monday, June 19, 2006

Joobie is a bad bookworm

The NY Times recently came out with a list of the best fiction since 1980. The sad news? I've only read two of the books on the list. The NYT really seems to love them some Philip Roth, which is okay, so do I, but I'm surprised to see his name up there 6 times, along with Don De Lillo at 3 and Cormac McCarthy at 2.

Their top pick is Beloved by Toni Morrison, which I haven't read. I'm a bit bummed that there's only one other book by a woman on the list: Housekeeping by Marilynne Robinson. I may have to pick that one up based purely on the front cover and one reader's description of the "innumerable shining passages" of language within it.

Check out the list and see if you've been reading good fiction for the last 25 years or just mediocre literary dung like me.


Blogger Leaning Shanty Farm said... it twice in college and made Drew suffer through the movie for one of those classes. Let me sum it up in one word: Yuck! Now honestly, I have not looked at the book since then, but I just remember that it was painful. Huff! Maybe I should give it another change...

Let's see what else I've read on the list...

Hmmm...okay...just Beloved then...but at least I've read it twice. Does that count? : )

7:16 PM  

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