I ain't too proud to love P&P.
I've been doing so much writing for my other blog and for work that it's hard to muster up the enthusiasm to put together some personal posts. However, I did stumble across this in my internet travels and I wanted to share it with all my fellow Pride and Prejudice fans.
It's hard to be Colin Firth. Alas!
And if you're a Veronica Mars fan of any sort, you may be interested in this lovely garment, which you may also have seen me sporting while out and about. It's what all the hip young pitbull-possessing private eyes are wearing now.
And, if you know me even in the slightest capacity, you are likely aware of my obsession with all things VM; and if, perhaps, you want to buy me a very extravagant present for being so very *me* and delightfully obsessed, I don't think you could go wrong getting me tickets to this little hootenanny. No?
And since I am like totally from Southern California? This, like, article was of way interest to me. You know? Yuh-huh. It's about, like, how people can't talk good anymore. As if!
And lastly, on my parade through the fields of the random, is it wrong for me to want these shoes? I'd like to think not, as I have not yet reached mid-mid-life, but little Tinkerbell in all her twinkly goodness might just be mocking me for no longer being a teenage girl and wanting to wear her nonetheless. However, they are purple!

Ergo they must be enjoyed! By me! Despite fairy standoffishness and sparkly immaturity, which we all know I've never paid attention to anyway.
Buy those shoes. You need them...the angels told me so last night in my dreams.
PS LOVE the Colin Firth thing. It's true...he's beautiful. : )
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