A study in contrasts
Please allow me to submit, for your consideration, two pictures.
Exhibit A: Innocence.
Meet Alberta. Alberta is a sock doll created and given to me for Christmas by my mom. Sara was given her fraternal twin, Mamie (not pictured). Alberta is huggable, angelic, and, I've decided, Canadian. To me she represents all that is good and pure in the universe. Alberta remains untouched by greed and superficiality, a winsome smile on her face, her scarf jauntily tossed to the side as if blown by some carefree breeze on a spring day.
And, for those of you who care, she is joined by her nearly flattened elderly British ursine companion, Cummerbund.

Exhibit B: Indulgence
This year, I had a New Year's Eve full of revelry and alcohol. Like a real adult! Josh and I went to his friends' apartment in the Presidio and partied down. We even stayed past midnight - a feat to be truly proud of. His friend Andy sported a moustache and dressed up like 1) Magnum, PI and 2) Ron Burgundy. We watched Commando, listened to a wide variety of music from the Backstreet Boys to Spoon, and drank champagne. Fun was had, by all.
Including, it seems, Josh and his amorous if belligerent friend Matt.

Side note: Commando is awesome. Where else do you get exchanges like this?
Matrix: Remember, Sully, when I promised to kill you last?
Sully: That's right, Matrix. You did.
Matrix: I lied. (Drops Sully off cliff.)
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