Sunday, August 06, 2006

Making up for lost time

Just because I've been lazy at posting lately, here's a whole list of things I've found interesting while traveling through the series of tubes known as the internet recently.

- Let's just say it's a good thing that Josh's DVD collection includes So I Married An Axe Murderer, The Princess Bride and other goodies rather than, say, Exit Wounds. (He does, however, own Rollerball. Is it less shameful if it's the original?)

- Of course, of the 50 Films to See Before You Die, Josh's collection is only coming in at 22%. I, on the other hand, have viewed a whopping 34%. Yeah, I don't really care. The list is pretty crappy. No Citizen Kane, and yet Erin Brockovitch made the cut? I could probably create a list of the top ten foot ailments and it would get press. People just love lists.

- And of course on that note we go to the Top 50 Film Endings. This list is definitely more interesting, as they offer a little commentary behind their choices. For me, at least, it's often the commentary more than the content that makes a list interesting. Everybody likes different things, but it's why they like them that makes life interesting.

- And straight from the interesting to the adorable: can you identify these celebrity babies? Matilda and Violet are super-cute.

- And, a more intelligent quiz: can you spot the fake smile? The psych major in me did okay (85%), but a couple of them are on the fence. Orbicularis oculi, baby!

- Next, for something that requires NO intelligence whatsoever to enjoy: Cute Overload. This one kills me, although this one isn't bad either. I think I should go look at this site whenever I'm in a bad mood because it will invariably induce glee.


Blogger Leaning Shanty Farm said...

I Love Cute Overload. It's on my blog reading list. : ) Always puts a smile on my face.

I took the fake smile test awhile back...I missed two. And at the time, I remembered what numbers they were, so when they told the real smiles, I felt good to see that the two I missed were the two that I had questioned my answer. I'm so proud of myself.

PS I haven't heard anything yet. I will chat you when I get the call!

8:08 PM  

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