Monday, January 04, 2010


I feel incredibly lucky to start the new year with so many wonderful gifts, friends, family, and opportunities. At the risk of being super-cheesy (which is a risk you all know I'm willing to take, unlike trying a new cream-based food), I want to start off the year by appreciating all the joys of the holiday season and musing on my hopes for next year.

This year I got so many fun, thoughtful gifts, I was really surprised and delighted. Among other things, I received a vintage Lincoln print, a Hasui print, and a real-life companion cube, along with plenty of good books from my Goodreads list (see the swanky widget on the left of this page).

I also had a lot of time to "kick it" (as the kids say) with family and friends -- making gingerbread houses, cookie decorating, attempting to replicate migas with Sar, meeting the newest addition to the Quaresma family, watching the ball drop with the Veltmans and then watching P&P with D&N. So many great ways to spend my days off! I was having so much fun I barely even thought about work. For me, this is a big accomplishment. :)

This year I hope to be more social and try more new things. I'm not big on new year's resolutions, but I hope to enjoy 2010 as much as I possibly can.

Until I see you in person, enjoy these dorky pictures of me and my loved ones during the holidays!


Blogger Leaning Shanty Farm said...

Helloooooo My Friend!!

I am bad at keeping in touch, huh? I need to make that one of my New Year's Resolutions!!

I have had your gift hidden in my closet for over one whole month!! I had to put it in there since the cats kept trying to dig into the box and I didn't want it to rip.

Anyhoo - we need to get together!!! That's my fault mostly since I have been hiding out in my house since I got out of work last month. :) But now I've been back to work a whole week and it's time to be social again! :) So what about this coming weekend?

Hmmm...I should have just replied to the email you sent me... I will do that now...

1:13 PM  

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