Thursday, April 20, 2006

I talk the talk, but can I walk the walk?

As is probably evident from my lengthy posts on the subject of television, I love writing about the entertainment industry. It's a type of writing that I've always enjoyed (criticism and analysis seem to suit my personality, I suppose) and since I'm truly passionate about the subject matter, I've thought for many years that my dream job would be writing for Entertainment Weekly or some similar publication.

As the quarter century mark of my life looms ahead, I'm finally making the effort to try it. Not try working for EW - I'm pretty darn sure they wouldn't be interested in my lack of expertise - but try entertainment writing, just to see how it goes. To practice. To see whether I get bored with it. To see if I can entertain anyone other than my immediate family.

So I made another blog, TV and Sympathy. Since the beginning of April, I've been doing a post a day. I'm trying to keep it up at least all throughout the month. One post even got a whole lot of people looking at it when a link to it was posted on a blog and a forum. So it's going okay. I've still got a lot of ideas.

Plus, I've started writing TV recaps for Give Me My Remote, a TV blog that posts cool interviews, TV news, and opinions. I've been reading the site regularly for a while, and it's nice that the site creator has very similar taste in TV to mine. My first recap was of Gilmore Girls, which was a fun learning experience, even if not that many people left feedback. (I heart feedback.)

So that's what I'm doing. Maybe I'll like it, maybe I won't. Maybe I'll be good at it, maybe I won't. I guess we'll see.


Blogger Leaning Shanty Farm said...

MAYBE you'll be good at it???? You already ARE!!! I kid you not!!! Drew and I are tough audiences...and we both agree that you have kick-ass writing skills. I'll have to have Drew give you his exact comments later...maybe tomorrow...

9:51 AM  
Blogger cmarugg said...

Nice work Joobs! Fun to see you writing. I like to read your reviews, though I'm admittedly not too into Veronica Mars. I did just finish a blog on ANTM though :)

2:29 AM  

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