Friday, August 18, 2006

Blueberry fields forever

I love blueberries. They are so tasty, when you get good ones that have just that essence of blueberry that pops in your mouth. De-freakin'-licious. They've had them at the cafe in my building all week and I have been eating them. A lot. Maybe I will turn into a big blueberry like Violet Beauregarde. Let's hope that doesn't happen.

I've think always been I'm a fruit and vegetable person, though Mom should be able to say whether that's a fiction or not.

I'd say my top 5 fruits are (not in exact order):

1. Blueberries
2. Strawberries
3. Nectarines
4. Mango
5. Red grapes

Fruits I DO NOT like include papaya and watermelon (though I do like watermelon-flavored things).

And my top 5 vegetables are:

1. Broccoli
2. Sugar Snap Peas (or peas of any sort, really)
3. Carrots
4. Spinach
5. Green beans

Vegetables I DO NOT like include lima beans and avocado.

Wikipedia is telling me garlic is a vegetable, but I do not quite agree with it, or at least do not feel it merits inclusion in this list. Although, man do I love me some garlic.

This post has been pretty pointless, eh? Maybe I'm suffering from some sort of blueberry-induced psychosis. This is further evidenced by the fact that I woke up last night laughing from a dream. Yes, I was dreaming about trying to form some sort of women's basketball team and was having trouble tying one of my teammate's shoes. I apparently found this so hilarious, I laughed myself awake.

Have you ever done that? One of the other times I remember laughing out loud while dreaming was when I dreamt that the cast of Friends and I were throwing around a red ball in my old bedroom in San Jose. It was So. Much. Fun. I was sleeping over at Murry's at the time, and she thought I was asphyxiating in my sleep or something. I wasn't; I was just having a rollicking good time for no reason whatsoever.


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