Saturday, October 14, 2006

Gray October

Who's got two thumbs and has been remiss in posting? This girl. But, in my defense, the rigors of work and TV watching/writing have been keeping me quite busy lately. Please don't hate me.

Things I have been doing lately instead of posting:

- the aforementioned TV Blog

- playing the "dead celebrity soulmate" game

- trying to decide if I should get my hair cut like Alexis Bledel

- trying to decide if I should by this shirt and these shoes

- playing soccer with people from work (OMG SO MUCH FUN)

- totally agreeing with the good people at EW about how much the movie Magnolia was not good

- binging at Sephora for lipstick that I am not allergic to

- figuring out the next book I should read (suggestions?)

- hoping it will rain more (come ON, people, it's FALL already)

So, as you can see, my life has been super-eventful lately. If it weren't for TV and writing, I'd have no life! (Yes, TV counts as a life.)


Blogger Leaning Shanty Farm said...

Okay, let's take this point by point:

~TV blog = AWESOMENESS...keep it up!
~My dead soulmates? Poe, Van Gogh, and DaVinci
~The hair...uh HELLS YEAH!
~The shirt and shoes...Double HELLS YEAH!
~Soccer funness!! Yea for exercise!
~Never saw Magnolia, but had been thinking about adding it to Netflix...but am not now!
~Sephora makes me So very happy, and even more happy that they have lipstick that doesn't make you allergic! Good Sephora! Good Girl!
~Hmmm...I'm still trying to find a new book, too...yes, I've already read all the ones I bought last week...uh, it's me...why are you surprised?
~NEED RAIN! But at least we had a good cloudy weekend. It was nice. We also have a fire going. Fires ROCK!

And finally, tv totally counts as a life...I mean, God, I hope it does! Otherwise I'm screwed! : )

Keep your eyes on my blog this week. I'm gonna do a fun post, too...a little delving into Abbey's past via her camera and cedar chest. Fun!!

9:40 PM  
Blogger car said...

miss ya fake sissy. i've started obsessively reading your tv blog as well...

so, what's up with Brothers/sisters blog? did you see it? I'm still waiting to talk about it with ya! =0)

work blows! but you guys just bought, so... your stock should be going well...
SAIC went through with the PLO last week. we're still waiting for the results!

11:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG SOCCER! This Dad is seriously jealous. Time for the career move!

As for book, you know I loved Mountains Beyond Mountains. What can I say?

5:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Try again to see if I'm less anonymous this time?

1:28 PM  

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