A backlog of links
I have this tendency to bookmark things on my computer that I find interesting, with the intention of at some future point sharing them with my lovely, if small, audience. The links have been building up for quite some time, so I'm going to put down at least a bit of them, in an attempt to rid myself of at least some of the growing pile.
- These freaky Valentine's Day cards are hilarious. I was looking at them at work and I had to keep clicking away and muffling my laughter, particularly at this one and this one. I'm still laughing.
- My perennial favorite comic is Calvin and Hobbes. Ergo, I was pretty jazzed to find this collection of Calvin's macabre snowmen scenes. Hee!
- Upcoming Batman movie. Christian Bale + Heath Ledger was good already. Now we add Aaron Eckhard and Maggie Gyllenhaal (in place of Katie Holmes) and I am getting psyched at unnatural levels.
- Speaking of casting things I like, you know the next Indiana Jones movie that is fiiiinally getting made? Cate Blanchett is going to be in it. SCORE.
- And dude, Ryan Gosling is so interesting and hot. Isn't it a surprise that he really didn't get along with Rachel McAdams when they filmed all their hot scenes in The Notebook? I love the idea of two people not getting along at all, then later realizing they should totally be together.
Hmm...now I'll briefly enumerate some of the things I've been up to lately, for those of you who like that sort of thing.
1) Taking Italian class. So much fun! It's amazing how much I've forgotten, but it's always a pleasure to remember things. The class focuses on conversation, which was never my strong suit, but I think if I read my book a bit to refresh some vocabulary and verb tenses, I'll get back to the level I was before. Ish.
2) I bought a laptop. It's a Thinkpad, pretty much the same one I had at work. Why did I buy a Thinkpad? Because I am apparently one of four people on the planet that uses only the little red eraser mouse thing, not the touchpad. The touchpad irritates me. It is totally irrational, and yet I bought a computer based on it. Go figure.
3) Sporting! I played soccer this week. Kept falling on my ass and laughing hysterically, but I had a ball. Next week softball with Josh and other assorted Googlers begins. I should probably make some feeble attempt to practice first, or I am going to be absolutely craptacular on the field come Monday.
Yeaaaaah, that's it for now.
**Laughed my ass off...LOVED those cards. I did esp. love the Pear one, too!
**The snowmen made my entire night!! I'd forgotten how AWESOME those were!!!
**I am ALL for Maggie Gyllenhall instead of Katie Holmes!! UPGRADE!
**I cannot believe there is going to be another IJ movie. I'm very curious...
**Yummmmmm.....RM&RG in the Notebook. If it weren't 10:40 at night with Drew whining to go to bed, I would totally put that movie in and watch it a couple of times...maybe with a few scenes in slow motion. Just Kidding...maybe. : )
**So jealous of your language class. Totally want to take a french class!! Oui! Maybe one day I will...
**AWESOME! You finally bought your laptop. Do you LOVE???
**So excited for your sportiness! I'm thinking about taking some classes at UCSC. Get uber discount on their cool workout center/pool/classes...love being a university employee.
PS Will be up soon to borrow you bike!! SOOOOO excited about this, BTW!!! Thanks for letting me!! Is there a weekend that would work best for you? It would be a quick in and out...so we'd only need to be there a few minutes... Let me know!!
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