Hair today...
So, up until recently, I had been working some seriously long locks.

I mean, there's so much hair, that's really the first thing you notice. Generally, I'm fine with that, but I never really did anything with all my masses of hair, and I'd had it the same for about three years, so I figured it was time for a change. I used to change my hair constantly, cut and color, the whole shebang, but since I became a working girl, I got into a bit of a rut. Though it had become quite heavy, I liked the way the long hair felt (just like my mom!), but thought it looked sort of blah.
If you're a regular reader of this blog, you know I'd pondered the Alexis Bledel and various other hair styles, as well as various hair colors. Heavy bangs? Maybe not with the glasses. Should I go auburn or chocolate? Blunt or layered? Oh, the myriad of choices...
I eventually meandered over to, where I tried a lot of different styles on my badly-photoshopped head. I also flipped through my hair file (a folder with all the various styles I've ripped out of magazines over the years). Finally, I settled on one, and made the appointment at Priorities/Mona Lisa Salon before I could change my mind.
And here I am, immediately post-haircut, all curled and styled by the lovely people at the salon.

I loved it immediately, even the moment she hacked off my whole ponytail. (She did it that way because I'm donating it to Locks of Love.) Apparently most women spaz out when they cut off a serious bunch of hair (mine was about a foot), but right away when I saw it short, I thought: "Yep, this is right. What was I thinking with that bohemian look?"
As you can see, it is quite curly and awesome, however, so I was a bit concerned about being able to replicate its awesomeness back in the comfort of my own abode. Skill with hair is not innate to me, but I really didn't want to get back into the mode of ponytailing it every day (though it does make a cute little stumpy ponytail, per my request).
Well, after some trial and error, I've managed to get things down to a fairly quick blowdry + curl process that produces this sort of results, which I'm perfectly happy with.

Originally I'd thought about going dark brown post-chop, but I'm surprisingly digging the honey blonde a bit. I haven't had my all-natural hair color in ages (maybe since 2001 or so?), so I think I'll run with this for a while.
OH DEAR LORD!!! That looks AWESOME!!!
I really, really liked the look you had right after the Lisa Styling. But I LOVE LOVE LOOOOOOOVEEEEEEEE this even more!!! So You!!
Yes, I approve!
You look totally Hawt!! That's right...not just Hot...HAWT!!
one last thing...
I think I like it with the glasses even better, BTW.
So witty looking. Can someone LOOK witty? Well, apparently, YES...because you are pulling it off right here!
i love the new look. very hip!
SO CUTE! I think it looks even cuter when you styled it yourself!
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