On ira tous au Par(ad)is
As promised, I'm keeping it real here this weekend. Real lazy. I got up this morning and went to bikram yoga for the first time in a long time, so I also kept it pretty damn sweaty for a while. But it felt good.
So, trip reports! Let's start from the beginning: Dublin.
Unfortunately, I have zero photographic delights to share with you about Dublin. I have virtually no pictures of Dublin because all I did there was work. Well, work, watch Lost and go to the pubs, where Josh drank and I ate a variety of unhealthy food and no vegetables. My system was not particularly psyched about this, tasty though my fried delicacies were. I also drank a lot of Diet Coke in an effort to combat the mid-afternoon blahs.
My visit to Paris was the exact opposite of the blahs -- it was fun, action-packed, goofy play. And here is, as they say, the play-by-play:
- Shopping at Printemps (where, unfortunately, we did not find shoes)
- dinner at Vapeurs (Vapors?) where we had the steamed foods of our choice
- shopping at Gallerie Lafayette (success! snazzy French apparel!)
- Le Roi Lion (awesome. the sets: insane.)
- Board games into the late night
- croissants for breakfast (delectable)
- haircuts (Murry looked so chic)
- American football (it was a hoot explaining the rules to Herve)
- Murry's delicious as-yet-unnamed dinner (give me the recipe already!)
- played "Tous au cinema" game (which apparently is my one talent in life)
- more croissants
- book fair and park (soccer and cards)
- crepes for lunch (ooh, they look like the surface of the moon)
- watched the Euro 2008 final (I even drank a beer so Spain would win)
- looked at pictures!
- lunch at Curieux spaghetti bar (mmmm pasta)
- strolled the Champs Elysees
- walked around Montmartre (Murry's old digs)
- bought groceries (more fun than it should be)
- took pictures
- got sad and had to go :(
As usual, it is always so wonderful how Murry and I slip right into the rhythms of our friendship. Some things don't ever change.
Maya's still just as fiesty (if a bit fatter).
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Murry still garnishes her food with nectarine slices.
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Our something-stinks squinch face is still super-attractive.
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Two words: Monster Munch!
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Two more words: Persian Grandma!

I still love a good picnic.
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We still like to see things from...er...an unusual perspective.
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But some things are different...

Hmm, let's try another view.
Isn't he the hotness? He is. But more importantly, Herve is "the happiness" for my best bud. Isn't it just the best when a friend who you know is great gets lucky enough to find someone also who thinks she's great and makes her feel great and happens to be pretty great himself? It totally is. It is the best.
Murry, even though we don't see each other that often, I loved getting a glimpse of your life as it's going on all the time while I'm not around to see it. Knowing that you are loved and have laughter and good conversation and silliness and comfort in your life is an absolute joy for me!

P.S. Those crepes were SO GOOD. I want one right now!
Awwww...SO FUN!!! I'm So glad that you and Murry have gotten to hang out and catch up!
Though what a bummer that Dublin consisted of work work and work. Thank God you got to throw some fried stuff in to make it better!!
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