It's Billy Idol's favorite time of year!
Okay, so it seems to be wedding season. I went to Carmen's wedding. Three of my coworkers are getting married in October. Corey's mom is getting married in September. And now -- the final straw -- my childhood friend Jackie got married last weekend.
I haven't seen Jackie in a few years. That, and the fact that she'll always be a not-her-present-opening three-year-old in my mind, is making it sort of hard for me to accept the fact that she is a married, settled woman. Like, what have I been doing with my life? People joke about Josh and I getting hitched in about ten minutes, but I am just so not there. How can I feel so young, and people younger than me feel old enough to get married? The mind, it is boggled.
Even though I'm not very into the idea of me getting married currently, I'm not against the idea of marriage in any way. I love weddings! New York Magazine has a feature about all these happy wedding stories. A couple I really liked are here and here and here. Actually, this one is my favorite. I'm such a frickin' softie.
And on the subject of wedding pictures that are pretty, there's always Dad and Nilofer's wedding in Yosemite. Gorgeous!
ETA: I had most of this post finished when I discovered that yet another coworker of mine had gotten engaged. !!! They're taking over, people. They will blind you with their shiny rings and optimism! LOCK YOUR DOORS. ;)
You so funny!
And, let's be honest... Even when I was most certainly not ready to get married, that NEVER stopped me from enjoying the occasional wedding magazine. It's just too much prettiness to pass up.
My advice on marriage...that you already know...never ever ever get married until you KNOW you are ready. None of this, "Well, I guess I could...I love him/er...okay fine...we'll get married." No Way Jose! You must be FULLY INTO IT!!! I bet all of my divorced friends would tell you the same. never matters...okay, as long as you are over the legal drinking age anymore. I was 22 when I got married. Most would say we were too young, but I wouldn't change anything about my marriage. I am happier than I ever imagined I could be.
But I'm pretty lucky...I've got quite the perfect man. : )
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