Good writing makes me happy
I'm a writer. Right? So while bad writing makes me sad and angry, good writing makes me feel like the world has been sprinkled with glitter and a unicorn is taking me on a magical journey through a hug-filled cavern of smiles. Or something.
Save for a single typo, this Friday's Go Fug Yourself post is a divine wonder of adverbial bliss and sarcasm. It references both feudalism and Hug Tag. Oh, glorious GFY girls. I love your snark that sparks with smarts!
It also just makes ME happy to write good stuff. Sure, not everything I write is good. Far from it! But there are few things more satisfying than creating a sentence that conveys exactly what you meant it to, eloquently. I like writing recaps for Ugly Betty because it lends itself so well to good-natured mockery. I like writing for my TV site because I get to describe shows in my own words, with my own opinions. I even like writing for the work blog because it's an opportunity to be a little more fun while still informative.
Basically, I like writing.
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