March madness, 2007
Josh is looking forward to March. So am I. He's excited because UCLA is good at basketball this year, so the NCAA championships should be really fun. I'm excited because it's Oscar time again!
If you're not an entertainment fiend like I am, you can find the nominees here.
I won't be going through the whole list at the moment, but it does put me in mind that I've been a bit lazy on watching high-quality movies this year and have my work cut out for me if I want to catch most of the performances and films before the awards night.
Here's what I have on my to-see list:
Half Nelson
The Pursuit of Happyness
Little Children
The Departed
The Queen
Pan's Labyrinth
Really the only Oscar-nominated movies that I've seen are Babel and Little Miss Sunshine. Honestly, I don't think either of them is best picture material. Babel maybe, though it didn't really have a point. But Little Miss Sunshine was just paint by the numbers indie in my opinion.
WOW! Them's fightin' words about LMS! Well, not with me because I have not seen it yet, but LOTS of people seem to be drooling all over it. We'll see I guess.
Half Nelson i would see for Ryan Gosling alone, but it actually sounds VERY interesting.
The Pursuit of Happyness...i cannot even watch the commercials without getting all tummy-clentched and teary-eyed. Must See!
I will see anything with Kate Winslet...I had not seen the trailer till I just flipped over there now. WOW! That was a great trailer...hope the movie lives up to it. Wanna watch!
Dreamgirls. I def. got emotional during this movie. I was choked up during "And I am Telling You" just like I thought I would. Dear God...she is amazing!!!!!!!! I clapped after the song was over. The rest of the was not bad. It got really cheesy sometimes... I'm not that surprised that it was nominated for an Oscar. But what does surprise me is that fact that Eddie Murphy is given so much Hoopla. He was mediocre...and, in fact, slipped into his Shrek Donkey role from time to time. Eh.
I have no desire to see The Departed.
Had not seen any previews for Volver, but I was taken by the description alone. A must see.
I will wait for The Queen to come to Netflix.
Oh Pan! It was so good if I could just get some of the violence out of my head. I will def. watch it again...but I'll wait for Netflix. it's already on my Saved list.
Edit: from my Dreamgirls secion...
I am not surprised that it did NOT get nominated for a Best Picture.
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