Things to be excited about
- I just ate some really good strawberries
- A three day weekend is nearly upon us
- Maroon 5's new album came out yesterday
- Knocked Up comes out next week
- Two weeks from tomorrow, I'll be in Italy
- Two weeks after that, I'll be in Paris
- Manicure/pedicures this Saturday
- The project I was working on yesterday as if demonically possessed is finally finished, and I'm not dead
- This dress is really pretty
- These shoes make me want to wear yellow (whether or not I'd look disgustingly sallow in it is a separate issue)
- Hot nerds
- This hilarious random comic
- The word "f***ery", as used by Amy Winehouse in her song "Me and Mr. Jones", off her album Back to Black, which is excellent, particularly the title track
- The library
You can always be excited about the library.
Damn straight about the library
Let's hear it for Paris, shoes, and hot nerds! (By the way, I don't think those shoes would make you look "disgustingly sallow"--after all, those women's magazines always say that the way for us light-complected lasses to incorporate such colors into our wardrobes is through accessories!) And here's a really interesting article in the NYT Magazine about Judd Apatow.
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