The week in culture: Mar. 3-9
Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit
Beverly Hills Cop
Friends with Money
Juno (again -- on the plane)
Wedding Crashers -- Murry's first time seeing it! A perennial fave.
Bastard Out Of Carolina by Alison Smith. Not really an upper, but well-written; I love the line about her mom "turning down anything that looked like a down payment on something she didn't want to sell."
Screenwriting 434 by Lew Hunter. Not the best I've read, but it makes those mental gears start turning.
Life in Slow Motion, David Gray's latest (to me) album. I just love his voice, and the songs are mellow but catchy.
Pop Culture Site of the Week:
I can't remember if I linked to Rich Sommer's blog before, but it's super-cute. He's an actor on a hit show (AMC's Mad Men, but he's very down-to-earth, family-focused, nerdy, and irreverently funny. The best part is how frequently he puts up a slew of adorable pictures of his baby girl, complete with amusing commentary. Dads + kids = win.
My big trip of the week was to...New York City! But I'll do a long, dorky post about that later. Don't you worry. ;)
Here's a taste...

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