The week in culture: Jan 7-13
The Wire, Season 4 (not a movie but wanted to be clear that I haven't avoided the screen entirely)
The Devil in the White City by Erik Larson (so interesting, and a bit chilling)
Restless by William Boyd (I'm really into spies lately -- any recommendations?)
Please, Please, Please, Let Me Get What I Want by The Smiths
I Don't Want to Be in Love by Good Charlotte
Golden State Warriors vs. Memphis Grizzles, 1/11
(The Warriors were victorious, happily. Isn't b-ball so much more entertaining in person? Especially if you have good seats.)
Random Culture Moment:
Battling superheroes (click the 'defeated by' error to scroll through 'em)
My fave might be the Magma Carta. HARR.
The Week in Soccer:
A new season has started. I think we tied? Or we might've won by one point. I didn't score, but I also didn't play the whole game (we had subs), so I'm trying to console myself that if I'd played a bit longer I could've put one in the goal.
Love the Superest site. How'd you hear about it? I think my fave was the Deep Friar :)
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