Oh vegan oatmeal chocolate chip cookie, how you have met my needs! How I delight simply to look upon your unexpected presence on the dessert table today! What benevolence of the gods that I should find you before me, shoddily piled in a display belying your reigning supremacy in the court of flavor.
You are the most delicious of cookies, with your rich sweet chocolatey goodness, your oaty texture with that sublime hint of cinnamon. You are moist chewy rapture on my tongue! Holding you in my mouth's embrace brings me such joy, I cannot doubt it is the sole occupation for which I was destined.
How I wish we could be together forever, cookie of mine. Yet even as my taste buds do their blissful salivary dance with you, you have already begun your inevitable descent. Down you shall travel o'er the winding esophageal road, cross the churning Stygian river of stomach acid, and pass into eternal oblivion all too quickly.
Adieu, adieu I bid you, cookie! Our time together was bittersweet.
I'm not sure...but did you enjoy that cookie? ;)
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