Sunday, August 24, 2008

The Sunday blahs

Ugh. Why is it that Sundays are so often ruined by the knowledge that the next day you have to go back to work? It's like being a kid and knowing that the next day you have to go to school. (This doesn't exactly make sense, because I did like school even as a kid -- it's more the feeling that your fun times are coming to an end.)

Today Josh and I just lazed about. I think running around in the hot sun in the morning really wipes me out, because the rest of the day I kinda had a headache and just wanted to flop on the couch finishing the first season of Gossip Girl (how did you make me like Chuck Bass, you diabolical show) and flipping through magazines (all the fall fashions have resulted in my wanting about 18 pairs of impractical heels).

On the upside, I did discover some tasty chocolate-coconut crackers. Mmm...


Blogger Leaning Shanty Farm said...

Dang it, I forgot to add GG S1 to my amazon purchase the other day. Argh!! MUST OWN!!

Good Sunday, btw...minus the whole having to go to work the next day! Boo!

10:47 PM  

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