The name is wicked wit, not wicked talented
I leave the wicked talent to others, like my friends, who outshine me in the art department like a 1000-watt bulb. Observe:

copyright ilc photography
This picture was taken by my amazing friend Abbey. Stunning, right? (Both the lady and the picture.) Abbey's just breaking into the photography business, and it seems like a great match for her artistic, independent, searching nature.
Looking at this picture, I feel that I'm right there, watching the dimming sky stretch into the distance, feeling both hopeful and mournful as the dark encroaches upon the light. I have the sense of something lovely but ephemeral--bittersweet and beautiful. There's peace there, too. Peace and calm.
It's gorgeous. Keep it up, Abbey!
...and this is why I leave the written word descriptions to you! Good Lord, Woman that was the best description ever! Maybe I'll take pictures and let you write the descriptions for them.
Thanks so much for all your support during this most insane time of deciding what to do with my life. Your kind and encouraging words always lift me up and keep me going!
Thanks for being such an amazing friend!!
Interesting...I may have to check that out...
Beautiful sunset, thanks for sharing it.
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