Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Eyes are the windows to the soul? As if!

As a former psychology major, perception has always been pretty interesting to me. I mean, who doesn't love attribution theories, like the actor/observer difference or the fundamental attribution error? Good times. That's why the Johari Window that's going around now has caught my attention.

Here's how it works:
-I pick some adjectives that describe me
-Other people (i.e. you) pick some adjectives that describe me
-We compare to see if they match or if I'm a deluded primadonna with no self-awareness whatsoever.

Sound fun? Go tell me what I'm like. And remember, I can see who picked which adjectives, so don't all choose 'smelly' and think I won't know about it. (Or, do pick smelly, but pick a good anonymous name for yourself.)

I'll now go back to reading my social psych textbook. SO FUN.


Blogger administrator said...

Hey, I stumbled upon your blog and read that you are doing Psychology. Me too. You seem to love it a lot. I quite like it too, well, except when it comes to exams. Drop me a note! My email is:, or you can visit my blog at

12:36 AM  

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