How much fun is soccer? Seriously, it's awesome. I'd almost forgotten how much I enjoy it. It's been 9 years since I've played on a soccer team, but like any good relationship, the spark is still there for me. Josh indulged me by going out with me to the park this weekend and kicking the ball around a bit. He tried to impress me by kicking the ball as hard as he possibly could (AKA into the bushes). I was very impressed. Then he tried to play keep-away by putting his extreme big muscular self in the way of the ball. I was less impressed, more incensed. Ball mine!
My soccer skills are rusty, but I'm still in okay shape, so I managed to get a good juggle going and play around with some footwork a bit, even though I wasn't wearing the cleats I bought a couple weeks ago. I hope I'll get to try those out soon, but it might be a while before I muster up the moxie to go join the weekly Wednesday soccer game they've got going at work. And, sadly, it looks like most of the leagues have already formed their spring teams. Boo for that...but I'll keep trying.
Who knows? Maybe one day I'll end up coaching Drew's soccer team. How fun would that be? Fun and exhausting, I'm sure.

If anyone wants to go kick the ball around with me, let me know! You don't have to be good, just willing.
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