I've always loved having my own space. You know, just a little hobbit-hole where I can curl up with all my books and pictures and beloved objects and just enjoy. Nooks are the perfect place for this. It's hard to describe a nook, exactly, but it's usually a small-ish space, somewhat tucked away, that just exudes comfort and bliss. Phil should know what a nook is, having bought me The Nook Book a couple Christmases ago. I love The Nook Book. It makes me happy just to look at the pictures.
I am now the proud owner of my very own nook. It is a nook-in-progress, to be sure, a nascent nook. It came about when Josh decided he wanted his own desk, someplace to set up his computer and leave his daily pocket miscellany. To accommodate said desk, we ended up taking the doors off the closet in the "study" area, relocating most of the closet contents, and smooshing my desk inside the closet. Observe:

There are lots of different directions I could take it in: wallpapered with pictures of Clay Aiken, covered in glitter and sequins, stuffed with Buffy tough to decide. What would you do?
Note: I considered titling this post "I did it all for the nook" but it kind of shames me that I know the words to a Limp Bizkit song. Shudder.
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