Monday, January 30, 2006

Music to my ears

Consider, for a moment, if Veronica Mars weren't such a bitchin' show. (Hard to imagine, right? But bear with me.) Even if the show didn't have such stellar acting, such wonderfully twisty storylines, and such quick, enchanting wit, the music on the show would still rock.

Case in point: Last week's episode, which featured two songs by Old 97's, a band which I, in my uncultured musical void, had never heard of. Both songs - Adelaide and Four Leaf Clover are great and perfectly fitting to the action in the scenes in which they're playing. Minor digging reveals Old 97's have previously been featured on the show, with another song I thought was absolutely pitch-perfect, in the scene where Troy drives off at the end of You Think You Know Somebody. Man, that rocked so hard.

Another song I've really loved from the show has been featured twice: Edge of the Ocean by Ivy. Ivy has another song on the VM soundtrack, but that's not the one I'm digging. Edge of the Ocean is more mellow and elegiac, and it works well for both of the scenes in which it's used; though on the surface the scenes are quite different, they're really both about wanting back some perfection that you used to have, that you can never get back. So good.

One of my favorite songs from the soundtrack hasn't yet been used: Sway, by The Perishers. The song is hopeful and haunting, and I absolutely love it. I sincerely hope they use it somewhere meaningful, because it carries a lot of weight.

(Here endeth my shameless VM plug for the week.)


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