Monday, February 06, 2006

Joobie opines on feline reclines

I think, from the sucktastic nature of my post title, it's clear that I need a little R&R. My musings this morning as I walked through my office building confirm this: I was thinking cats have the right idea curling up in warm patches of sun all the time. Think about it: it's good for your posture, it's toasty, you get your Vitamin D from the sunlight...ingenious.

Of course, if one of my coworkers were to happen upon my supine self on the floor next to a big sunshiny window, I doubt they'd recognize my rationale for following the cat's good example. My coworkers already think I'm weird - I'm not itching to cross the line from "eccentric" to "disturbed."


Blogger Leaning Shanty Farm said...

Sometimes it is So Needed to curl up in the sun and just relax...

Oh who cares what your coworkers think! I've learned it's better to let them think you are crazy! They leave you alone after that. hahahaha!!

11:44 AM  

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