This addict didn't get her fix
It's Thursday, and a new Veronica Mars was on last night, and I didn't watch it.
(Pause a moment for effect.)
I didn't watch it because I was working until 2AM finishing up something for work. You know, it's funny, I hear there are jobs where you actually do all your work from 9-6, or 8-5, or whatever, and then you don't come home and do more work. Do those really exist? Because I don't seem to have one. And when your job prevents you from watching the show that pretty much justifies your existence, things are looking down. Don't get me wrong, I really lucked into my job, and there are aspects of it I absolutely love, but there are also days I want to trip my coworkers as they walk by in the halls, cover them with Elmer's glue, and pour a bucket of scorpions on them.
On the plus side, I am delayed gratification girl, so I will enjoy watching VM later today and having less time to wait till the new ep next week. But I beware of spoilers! If you've seen the episode (that means you, Mom), please keep mum.
Okay, well, that can be the only reason that YOU did not watch your beloved VM. Seriously. It's time to quit Google. If it takes you away from VM (and more importantly LOGAN!) then they've got to GO! hahahah!
And by the way if you decide to (and I quote), "...trip my coworkers as they walk by in the halls, cover them with Elmer's glue, and pour a bucket of scorpions on them." You better make sure to take pictures...LOTS of them...I don't care if I don't know them...slapstick is FUNNY esp. when it comes from your rage!
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