My mom is so great. She just came out for a visit, and although it was brief, it was non-stop fun. We did the following, in no particular order:
- shopped at Affordable Treasures
- ate cookies
- went to the mall
- ate El Burro
- went to the library
- ate Zachary's
- went to the fabric store
- ate sandwiches
- played frisbee
- ate Rubio's
- played ping pong
- ate hors d'oeuvres
- watched
Faerie Tale Theater- ate extreme southwestern buffet
- played "Death is not an option"
- ate Del Taco
- got a dress fitted for Sar
- ate potentially rancid yogurt
- named all 50 states (sort of)
Yes, it is as wild, crazy, and gut-busting as it sounds. All in all, it was four days packed to the brim with revelry, frivolity, and gluttony. Pictorial highlights below!

Mom heart Sar. Sar heart Cool Ranch Doritos.

I demonstrate why I am a Taurus.

Mom finds a surly and jaundiced temporary stand-in for Phil.

Josh gives mom the old karate serve.
And, last but not least...
Drumroll, please...
The triumphant return of the arms-length photo!

Oh! And I bought
comfy sandals. Pivotal detail. PiVOOOOOOT!