Friday, September 22, 2006

Reading is fundamental

Much book-related fun over the last few days. When I don't read for a while, it really does bum me out a bit. Over the last couple months, I've only had the time to read Generation X and Housekeeping. That isn't nearly enough for me to feel my book quota has been satisfied. Books are an addiction. I need the stuff, and I need it now.

Which is why I was so excited to go to the local library book fair last week. $2 a bag, and I picked up a few goodies:

Airframe - Michael Crichton (Josh liked it)
Smoke Screen - Kyle Mills (sort of for Josh)
The Stone Diaries -Carol Shields (Pulitzer prize winning novel)
Girlfriend in a Coma - Douglas Coupland (wacky Gen-X writer)
Amy and Isabelle - Elizabeth Strout (seen on numerous bookshelves)
Corelli's Mandolin - Louis de Bernieres (supposed to be classic)
Don't Let's Go to the Dogs Tonight - Alexandra Fuller (memoir)
random trashy novel - Linda Howard (irresistible!)
The Gift of Fear - Gavin de Becker (applied social psych-ish)

This week I also went to a couple book talks at work. The first was co-helmed by Kelly Link (Magic for Beginners - a dreamlike series of short stories) and Karen Joy Fowler (The Jane Austen Book Club - a smart female-focused novel). I'd read both of their books before, and they both gave readings. I enjoyed it, but wasn't quite bold enough to ask any questions. Boo me.

The second was by Ken Jennings, author of Brainiac but better known as the guy who won Jeopardy 74 times in a row a couple years back. My officemate Fritz, a former Jeopardy champion himself, did a nice little interview with Jennings, who was smart, self-deprecating, and funny. I get the feeling he's enjoying his "celebrinerd" status, but he's remaining down-to-earth.

I've started to read Brainiac and am having a nice time of it. Hopefully I'll get through it quickly and it will be a good jumping-off point to start reading more again. Fingers crossed!

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Writerly pursuits

Which Classic Writer Are You?

William Shakespeare (April 1564 - April 23 1616)

"And since you know you cannot see yourself,so well as by reflection, I, your glass, will modestly discover to yourself, that of yourself which you yet know not of." You are probably a passionate lover and often tagged as a hopeless romantic... Though, chances are, you're a not-so-hopeless romantic. You're good with your comedy, but even better with your drama. You're far ahead of your time... and yet, still perfect for it. You're extremely good at what you go and you've yet to be matched. Keep up the good work.
Which writer are you?

What Kind of Novel Should I Write?

What about you?

Sunday, September 10, 2006

The dudes

Okay, so I think I may have only ever seen one Bond movie, but there was still a part of me that did not think Daniel Craig was quite right for it, based purely on the negative backlash he got when he was cast.

Of course, now I've seen the trailer and I have to admit he's kind of winning me over. Plus, the dialogue doesn't even seem that bad! Perhaps this will be a marked improvement over the days of stupid Christmas the nuclear scientist played by Denise Richards. Booooooo.

In other man-related news, check out the hotness (and the notness) of Eonline's picks for Strangely Sexy Men. I particularly love Lance Armstrong's pickup line. Wonder if that worked on Sheryl?

And lastly, John Mayer has guidelines on how to be his girlfriend. Like John himself, they're sort of lame, sort of strange, and sort of trying-too-hard, but still not entirely unappealing.

Friday, September 08, 2006

I say it's your birthday

Josh is officially 25 years old. He's on the road to 30, and there's no looking back.

Just like last year, I'm going to bust out some horoscope predictions for my birthday boy:

Your ability to express yourself and to solve problems is enhanced this year. You may have opportunities to travel, and matters related to publishing, teaching, and writing should go especially well. Dammit, why isn't this MY horoscope? Boo...

You have a stronger than usual desire to improve and learn this year. Optimism and confidence are with you, and you are able to attract fortunate circumstances into your life as a result. Your social life will likely increase and bring you into contact with more influential, powerful, or simply happy and helpful people. It is not uncommon to marry, have children, graduate college, increase income, do freelance work, get a promotion, publish a book, or receive public recognition under this influence. Booyah!

Be careful with your spending this year, and your savings, too. You'll be tempted to buy whatever you want. Make yourself do the homework first. Umm...this pretty much applies to every year for my DVD-, computer-, gadget-loving boyfriend.

You can be secretive, thus misunderstood. You see the world in black and white. Not exactly. Though I was pretty sure when we first met he didn't like me. And yes, he does see the world as black and white: people who are Jason Statham and people who are not.

Happy birthday, babe. Smoooooooooch! Now let's go gorge ourselves on surf, turf, and chocolate.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Awesome job

I was tinkering around on the web looking for post ideas for TV and Sympathy when I came upon a story about this chick, who's a leading voiceover actress. And I just thought: How awesome is that?

What a fun, creative, silly, spectacular job that would be! I want it. It would be the best job ever to be a part-time voiceover actress and a part-time writer. Not so high on the stability, but SO. MUCH. FUN.

Of course, would have to move down to where the smog fills the sky and my body would be considered "hefty" to do acting we'll just mark this one in the "maybe" column.

Friday, September 01, 2006

When nice is not so nice

So, I like to think of myself as a nice person. I'm friendly, polite, and make small talk with cashiers and waiters and people I stand next to while waiting in line. I like people, and it's natural for me to smile and chat with them. We're all human, it's nice to brighten other people's days, turn that frown upside down, yadda yadda yadda.

However! This can occasionally backfire. For example: At my work, I have to walk from one building to another, often a few times a day, because my coworkers are kind enough to help me get exercise by scheduling meetings in buildings where my desk is not located. In the course of my walk, I regularly pass by one of the security guards stationed at the entrance to the parking lot.

For a long time, I'd pass by in silence or with a smile. Then we progressed to "how's it going" and platitudes about the weather. A week or two ago, the guard, D, introduced himself, saying he figured he should since we see each other all the time. Now we have moved on to three-minute conversations every other time I pass by. I've had small talk about parking tickets, weekend plans, and tans. If I don't show up in the morning, I get comments about 'where were you this morning, I missed you' in the afternoon.

Someone get me out of here.

I may think of myself as a people person, but even I don't want to be chatty and friendly all the time. Can't I ever walk by in a black mood and not want to engage in some small talk? Can't I ever want to walk straight to a meeting? I think YES.

So...what do you think? How do I fix this, remedy the acquaintance I seem to have unintentionally formed, so that I can walk from place to place undisturbed? I don't want to have to plan a route that takes me 10 minutes out of my way around the back of the building. I just want to be scowly and silent when I feel like it. Help me be hostile, pretty please?