This post brought to you by things that are great
If I've been remiss in posting recently, it's not for any bad reason. I'm remarkably not stressed lately, maybe for any of the reasons noted below.
1) It's fall! I love fall, and all its exuberant fall colors. There's a tree right outside my window here at work that is just ablaze in red and orange. It looks like the color of a ripe, delicious apple, and I want to bite into it and taste all its crisp glorious treeness.
2) Veronica Mars got renewed! If you know me, you know I love this show, and you know this is one of my top ten reasons for living.
3) Three day week. Less work, more play. Okay, honestly it will end up with me watching movies on my couch while working, but it will still be in my house, and I am totally okay with that.
4) Reading. I've been a bit slower lately, but I'm reading some non-chick lit. Amy and Isabelle is so smart about the complexities of the mother/daughter relationship and the pull that the adult and the foreign have on teenagers. I've got about 50 pages left, and I aim to savor them.
5) New York. I'm going! I've never been, and I'm going next Wednesday, with Josh, for five nights. I hear it's a lovely, festive time of year to visit, though it'll surely be crowded. Any New York aficionados have suggestions for me? I'm already keen to check out The Met, jog around Central Park, and wander around SoHo. Food recs most especially welcome.
Okay, that's it for now. More glee as soon as I can muster it.