Twenty-four rings around this tree trunk
As of Thursday, I am now the ripe old age of 24. You know what? That feels about right. Maybe a little high - I feel like 22 is a more appropriate number. 24 is too close to 25 which is an age at which I'm supposed to have accomplished some things I very much have not accomplished yet. But then, when I remember that 22 is the age when most people graduate from college, I feel so far from there and 24 seems more realistic.
My actual birthday was pretty uneventful. Originally Josh and I had thought about going to Vegas or Yosemite for the weekend, but for apartment reasons that didn't work out. At any rate, on Thursday morning I opened a card from Abbey to get the day started right and then splurged on a smoothie for breakfast (oh the decadence of youth!). Once I got back from work, Josh was sick, so we postponed the partying. I stopped by DNA's house, kind of on the spur-of-the-moment, where they'd hastily prepared a carrot cake in celebration of my birth. It was surprisingly good, especially considering that they didn't have quite the right ingredients for it. When I came home, Josh and I gorged on Chinese food and I opened his presents. He got me my favorite cookies from my favorite bakery, two shirts he designed saying 'Unicornicopia' and 'Property of Pan High' (both VM references that totally rock), and a very tropical-looking skirt from Anthropologie. Awww.
Even so, that didn't really feel very birthday-like to me. Maybe I was waiting for a birthday call from Murry (thanks, Murry!) or a text message from the ex-boyfriend who always remembers my birthday (umm...thanks?). Whatever the case, I arbitrarily decided Saturday would be my birthday instead. On Saturday I opened my presents from my mom (they'd arrived on Friday), which made me feel like she was there with me. My mom is queen of the small, inexpensive, random gift that delights me far more than it has any right to. This year, in the category of favorite gift from Mom, a Care Bears folder is tied with a personal guide to New Orleans that she wrote up for me. I also got some cute bracelets from my grandmother. Fun!

And tonight, for more birthday goodness, I'm having dinner at the Veltman's: swordfish, twice-baked potatoes, broccoli, and chocolate mousse. I love food, and I love everyone who wished me a happy birthday. Thanks, guys! I think 24 will be a good year. :)