Happy Happy Joy Joy
It's Friday! Lots of reasons to be happy!

- However most of these folks were nominated, and it's a pleasure to read a roundtable interview with all these forces in Hollywood. Brad Pitt does love to heckle, doesn't he?
- While Brad's sorta funny, this is freakin' hilarious. I nearly burst out laughing at work, and immediately forwarded it to Josh with glee.
- It's surprising to see how celebrity quotes can be used out of context, even in major publications. Check out Renee Zellweger's quote about marriage in this People piece, then read the original Life article. In the original, she's talking about her thinking when she first got married. In the snipped-up People story, she's talking about her outlook for the future. It's a little thing, but I imagine it must be frustrating to have your words twisted however the publication prefers. Maybe I'm the only one who'd love to be an entertainment journalist and finds this sort of detail interesting...
- Okay, if you found that sort of thinking random and tedious, then you'll probably enjoy these links, which require no thinking at all. Seriously, you only have to use your lizard brain to respond to this insane cuteness. Eeeee!
- Random cat pictures, why do you entertain me so? Is it your drowned alien rat look or your dumb feline expressions? Who can say.
- Though I'm not sure I approve of his penchant for watching pigs get slaughered (a bad joke, perhaps?), I am not immune to Jake Gyllenhaal's charms. Word on the street is he's looking for a good baby mama. The line begins behind me, ladies.
- Tonight I have plans with Abbey. Mysterious plans! No, we're going to go to the salon, out to dinner, then to a movie. As I said to her, it's like a date where your date watches you get ready first! Hee.
What are y'all up to this weekend?